Jan 6, 2018 | Business, Delegation, Productivity
To those who need to delegate: you know you need to delegate more! This is the year to give away that low-level stuff you waste time on! We know you say to yourself, “But it’s going to take me longer to explain what to do than it will take me to do it myself!”...
Dec 22, 2017 | Business, Productivity
Do you have a hard time saying No? Are you thinking your New Year’s resolution might be to say No more? But wait, you like saying yes. You are a Yes person. It makes you happy. It makes others happy. You don’t want to be a grouchy No person. Consider this: most of the...
Dec 8, 2017 | Business, Productivity
“To enjoy life, you don’t need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time and realize that most things just aren’t as serious as you make them out to be.” ― Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek I regularly talk to prospects in my business who are...
Nov 23, 2017 | Business, Mental Health
This article shares about a study whose findings suggest that spending money to save time may reduce stress about the limited time in the day, thereby improving happiness. It also says that people who spend money to buy themselves time, such as by outsourcing disliked...
Nov 2, 2017 | Business, Productivity, Remote Work
“You want to be measured by what you accomplish in a day — not how busy you look. With no one peering over your cubicle wall, there is no need to keep up appearances. So you can focus on doing meaningful work.” – Brian de Haaf, CEO of software company Aha! We...