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Coaching & Development

Turn your assistant into a high-performing Executive Assistant!

Coaching & Development

for the assistant you currently have

Perhaps you have a great assistant and you simply want to elevate them to become a high-performing Executive Assistant. Our coaching program includes 8 hours of coaching and is done over 8 – 10 phone calls. Each coaching session covers one of our 8 Key Distinctions to being a high-performing Executive Assistant. We also take time on each coaching call to discuss what they currently have on their plate as an EA and where they are challenged or need coaching in specific areas of their performance.



Coaching & Development for YOU as a

busy person who has an Executive Assistant

This program is designed for the busy Executive who has an assistant. You know delegation is the key to your success, but perhaps you don’t know what to delegate, how to delegate, or even why to delegate (when you could just do it faster yourself). This program includes 5 hours of coaching. On a discovery call with you, we will discuss how to best utilize our time together and will customize what we will be focusing on so that our calls together are efficient and highly valuable.



Coaching & Development for the key

partnership that you two have together

Combining the benefits of both of our coaching programs above brought together, you and your assistant will create a strong partnership that will fulfill your intentions for success. In this program, you, the executive will receive 5 hours of one on one coaching tailored to your specific needs and your Executive Assistant will receive 8 hours of one on one coaching in becoming a high-performing Executive Assistant.


What Assistants Say About Our Training:

When I started the Athena coaching series I was expecting to learn some tips and tricks on being an EA and advice for entering the professional world as a recent college graduate who just started her first job. This course with Jennifer completely exceeded my expectations in every way. Jennifer was very personable from our first phone call and asked me lots of questions pertaining to work and personal life. She incorporated the information in the series to relate to all aspects of my life, not only work. I was able to apply what I learned with Jennifer each week to real life experiences. From email etiquette and how to give proper project updates, to feeling more confident in my work and personal life, to setting boundaries and managing anxiety, Jennifer covered it all! She also made it very clear that I could text/call her anytime outside of our weekly hour phone call if I needed help or advice, which I took advantage of! By the end of our coaching series, I had gained so much knowledge and felt much more confident in my work and daily life, and I was very sad to end our coaching. I would 100% recommend this course and Jennifer!

Molly Vonder

EA to Taylor Schulte, CFP®

Out of this coaching series I started to do things consciously instead of reacting. I discovered new ways of communicating with my boss so that he was left with certainty on all open items and new structures to track everything on my plate so that nothing gets dropped. I became much more confident in myself and organized. This not only impacted my work but my personal life as well. I really enjoyed this process.

Carla Hauk

EA to a Financial Advisor

I had never been an Executive Assistant before I took my current job. I was looking for something part time while I was starting my own business. I consider myself a highly organized, professional and efficient person which is why being an Executive Assistant fit so well! My boss asked if I would take on coaching with Gina and I am so glad that I did. Not only have I elevated my game in organization, professionalism and efficiency, Gina gave me new places to look and expand into working for high caliber people. Gina not only coached me as an Executive Assistant, giving me tools that have me win and my boss win, but she also coached me in having my life work, as well. What I got was that when my life works, I can make other people’s life work. During our coaching sessions, I gained the tools and confidence to rock as an Executive Assistant (my boss tells me almost weekly what a great asset I am and how much he appreciates me) and I made my business move forward, my marriage move forward and had the experience of just kicking butt at life. I cannot say enough good things, or express enough gratitude to Gina! Thank you!

Elizabeth Cunningham

Executive Assistant, PNW Investment Properties

My coaching with Gina has been completely transformational. The company I work for is going through huge growth and expansion, which has translated into my work growing and expanding massively as well. I went from barely making it work to positively thriving. She gave me the tools I needed to create new solutions to the new problems that arise daily. I’m now fully equipped to keep track effectively, create new systems and ways of being effectively. And not only can I do these things, but the way in which I’m now able to do them leaves me empowered and excited to accomplish more. I’ve gone from my boss managing me to becoming her partner in the creation of her work life. I really cannot express the freedom I’ve gained and the gratitude for Gina going through the process with me.

Haley Roberson

Executive Assistant, Granger Network



Click here to schedule a call with Jennifer Tracy