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Jet-Set with Ease: Smart Travel Hacks


I have been traveling a lot this year. Two to three trips a month. Most of it was planned before the end of 2023 so I knew it was coming.
I’m excited to share with you my thinking, my structures, and my approach to travel, which helps make travel smooth and easy. 
Of course, one of the first structures I put in place a few years ago, was to turn all my travel booking over to my Executive Assistant. Yes, it felt highfalutin’ at first, but now, booking my own travel seems like a big annoyance and waste of time. And if/when I need to make changes, particularly last-minute changes . . . oh forget about it . . . I definitely want someone else to deal with that! Rather than waiting in line at Customer Service, or messing around on an app, I’d rather go get a latte. 
My EA has all of my airline mileage plan numbers and TSA Known Traveler number (BEST $80 I ever spent!). She knows my key preferences for flying, and the airport codes of the places I travel to most frequently: SEA, SBP, PSP, PHX. (You’re quizzing yourself to see if you know what these are, aren’t you?)

Packing checklist – This is the key to your sanity! Start with the basics that you know you need on every trip (house keys, glasses, toothbrush, charging cables, vitamins, phone). Then keep adding to it, trip by trip. Eventually, you’ll have a very long list that will include things from that winter trip to the mountain (boots, puffy coat, gloves, scarf), to the trip to Hawaii (rash guard, sunglasses, bikini wrap, sun dress), to that trip in Vegas (sexy heels, “that dress”, crazy earrings).

If you do sports and activities on your trip, add all of those items too: Golf and Pickleball outfits and gear, yoga mat, foam roller, massage gun, water bottle. All of these items are on my master packing list.

I use Cloud Outliner for my Master list. As I check things off, they are removed from my view (super satisfying) and I’m left with only the items I know I need for this trip. 

Determining Outfits
This is the key to packing light. Packing light means less lugging stuff from point A to point B to point C. Don’t be that person with bags hanging all over them, whacking people as you walk down the aisle of the plane.
Once you have packed your clothing, that is what you will be wearing. It is settled. (Ladies in particular, this matter is now settled and not open for discussion with yourself anymore.) Forget about all the other options you had and love the choices you have made. Don’t pack a ton of “options”. If you are not sure if you are going to want a sleeveless or short sleeve top under your jacket at that event, bring them both. But don’t bring lots of options.
Shoes take up a lot of room, so make your best pick and pack those. Then when the day comes to wear them and you think “Uggh, I wish I had brought my red ones…” practice making your decision right. “Love the one you’re with,” as the song goes. No one is going to notice, and you’re going to rock what you got. 
Less is more. Lighter is nicer. Can you get by with one less pair of shoes? Could you use a good old-fashioned fold up travel toothbrush for a few days, rather than your nice electronic toothbrush in its nice carrying case, that is the size of a hot dog bun?
Not checking your luggage really saves you time. When I walk straight off the plane, get on the escalator and text my driver, I often think to myself, “…the people in back could still be deplaning!”

Second home? Or another home you visit frequently?
Do you have a second home or a place you visit frequently where you could have a drawer or two? This is the best! I’m fortunate to have a second condo and I visit my mom for three or four nights every month.
If you have a similar situation, leave some things for next time you visit. This way you don’t have to pack as much! I’m a very light packer and this is partly why. I have two drawers at my mom’s house. Ok, it’s three now. One drawer is all pickleball gear and clothes.
I use Apple Notes to keep inventory lists for myself for these two locations that I frequent. What to list: What do I have at that location? What do I not have there?

Staying Well
I think overall, people expect too much from themselves when they travel. They believe they will be able to work and be just as productive as they are at the office. I vote no.

Drink water. Yes, certainly have a glass of wine as well, but drink water, drink water, drink water. 

Try not to be really close to people while you are in transit, if you can avoid it. People will travel when they are sick because they “need” to get where they’re going. Wait for your boarding time away from the crowds. You don’t need to sit in the boarding area with the masses. If you can swing it, Airline lounges are also helpful. But even if you are waiting to board, wait 20 or 30 feet away from the masses. You will still be able to hear the boarding announcement from your gate. 

Noise cancelling headphones. I use my air pod pros. Eliminating some of the background noise on the plane makes for a more restful flight. And of course, adding music or a movie can make the day less draining.

If you can, fly First Class. I started this in the pandemic for the sole purpose of staying as healthy as possible. (Note, I have not gotten Covid). I wanted space around me. I wanted to not be in a herd of people in the boarding area.

Turn on the vents above you in your seat, so there is air flow around you.

Dress in layers, so that your body doesn’t have to deal with being too hot or too cold. I go through both phases on every flight.

Do you need lumbar support, which no airline seat has? I do. I use a blow-up neck pillow. I blow it up only halfway, and then put it behind my lower back. Remember, the air pressure on the flight will have it fill up more.

Be kind to the staff. All the staff. Whatever is going on that day is not their fault. 

Are you a nervous flyer? I don’t love turbulence. I do like being prepared. I use the Turbulence Forecast app. I used this service before it was the nicer app that it is today. Years ago, I used their website.

Some people would rather not know what’s coming in terms of bumps. I like to know as much as possible. With this App, you can even order a more detailed report (I’ve done this before) for a specific flight on a particular day and time.

In fact, as I’m typing this, I’m on a plane and there are bumps. I am just really focused on what I’m doing, writing and editing along the way.

Working through the bumps with a solid plan is more than just a great metaphor for life and business! Let me know if you try any of these hacks, or if you have some tried and true travel tips of your own.  

Gina Cotner, CEO, Athena Executive Services


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From Conflict Management to Conflict Curiosity

What is the best way to avoid or manage conflict? I hate conflict as much as the next person, but there is an interesting paradox here. If you get interested in the conflict or issue, then a lot of the fire or fury can quickly be taken down a notch. People tend to press their issue until they can get it heard. So, if you can get yourself interested in finding, being available for, and listening to issues, then it is likely you will have less conflict to deal with, and the issues you do have will get resolved quickly.

If the angry person feels like they are being listened to, they soon find they don’t have as much to say. It is disarming for people when they are met with an opportunity to be heard. This does require that we as leaders must muster the courage to be interested and to listen. We all know what Ted Lasso would say! “Be curious. Not judgmental.” Easier said than done. Like most leaders and business owners, I just want the problem to go away. But similar to a Chinese finger trap, you must get into it, to get out of it. 

One of the many valuable things I learned from my business coach, John Barron, is that my job as a CEO is to be up in the crow’s nest. Up in the nest, I’m looking out ahead to see if there is any smoke, so any fire can be put out quickly. I’m looking for roadblocks and icebergs. I’m also readily available to my managers for the topic of issues! I’m a big open welcoming space when it comes to issues. Why? Because that’s my job! I’m the Issue Monster (think Cookie Monster, my GenX friends).

When all is going according to plan, my managers can run this company well. They need their CEO when issues arise. So, I cannot be frustrated or annoyed with them when they bring me issues or conflicts.

A warning: If you do not nail an issue shut, it will return. Somewhere, somehow, someway, it will return. And you will know in your heart of hearts, “Ya, we didn’t fully resolve that issue. We just made it go away.” If you do the real work to resolve the actual issue, it will be nailed shut and you can move on. Don’t forget to take your Lessons Learned with you!

  • Conflict comes with anything worthwhile (no matter how right you think you are, there will always be people who disagree, and some who will even bark about it. Remember high school? Life is still like that sometimes.)
  • If you want no conflict, surround yourself with staff, clients, friends, and family who 100% agree with you all the time (now there’s a boring life with no richness).
  • Sometimes the only way out is through (and it is often the fastest).
  • What you resist persists (if you want the problem to linger, keep avoiding actively resolving it, but continue to talk about it a lot.)
  • As a leader, if you are proactively looking for potential issues, guess what? You will find them. (but the good news is, you found them before they found you!)
  • The longer a client or a staff member goes without hearing from you about an issue, the more they believe what they think to be true about you or the situation. (Their view quickly becomes the “truth” for them.)
  • Resolution is better than the right or perfect outcome (you may not like what you have to do to resolve the issue, but you will get the reward of the issue being resolved. Said another way, “better done than perfect.”)

Gina Cotner, CEO, Athena Executive Services


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Trusting the Captain of Your Ship – Your EA

Gina celebrated a milestone birthday a couple of years ago and wanted to do something on her bucket list – a yacht trip around the beautiful Puget Sound area where she lives most of the year. How the heck do you plan something so fabulous? You turn to your EA, of course! 

Gina’s EA did all kinds of research that was new to both of them. They learned a ton about what it takes to charter a yacht and all the planning that goes around an epic week-long adventure at sea. 

“The trip was stunning in many ways, but what was most remarkable for me and surprised me the most, was our captain. I kept finding myself in awe of all that he had to do and handle, and how graceful and amazing he was in the process, with anything and everything that came up. As I watched him work for us each day, I thought of all of the high-caliber executive assistants out there. 

I made some requests around the itinerary, as there were a few key places that I wanted to visit. But I had no idea what I was really asking for until I watched it play out. I didn’t know that I was asking to go places where the timing of the current and the tides would be difficult! 

I didn’t know the depth of the Swinomish Channel could be an issue. I just wanted to go to La Conner (quaint town on a channel of water, which I will never look at the same again!).

I didn’t know there were swirling currents and tricky tides at Deception Pass. I just wanted to go under the Deception Pass bridge. 

In many cases I did not know what I was asking for, and day by day as I watched it play out, I was amazed and frankly almost moved to tears by the situation. What situation? The situation where every day this captain (Captain Dick was his name) thought through so many details (tides, currents, weather, moorage, fuel, places to eat, etc.) all with a smile on his face and consistently tending to the happiness of the guests on board. Walking past me while he was going from the bow up to the fly bridge (yep, I have boat lingo now) he would pause and say, “Are you having a nice birthday Gina?”

The picture of the paddling duck feet underwater comes to mind. Gliding on top. Rapid kicking under water. Much like the life of a high-caliber executive assistant. 

Captain Dick was always striving to get the best for us. The best what? (Again, things I would never have thought of.) The best moorage slip at a very popular resort Marina. The best crab. (He caught us five large Dungeness crab! What?!) Anchoring in the best cove to watch the sun set and to watch the big glowing full moon rise in the sky. (Like I said, moved to tears at times by this man’s desire for excellence for his guests and clients.)

Of course, things never went 100% according to plan, and yet he pivoted, adapted, and adjusted with grace and calm. And continued to ask, “Are you having a nice birthday Gina?” I was amazed!”


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What Does an Assistant Really Want to Do?

What FEEDS a high-caliber Executive Assistant? 

They want to be of Service to you!

You may think to yourself, “Really, they want to do this stuff that I absolutely do not want to do?” Yes, they do. “Really, they want to book my airline tickets and send out birthday cards? They want to help me iron out this issue with payroll, and look into better software to use for project management?” Yes, they do.

Not only do they want to do most all of those tasks and projects that you would find mind-numbing, annoying or soul-sucking, they want to do them with Excellence! They are after Excellence, I promise you. Nothing empowers an assistant more than knowing they “crushed it”!

What feeds them is you investing in them. This is, you helping them help you. You may think, “If I have to help them, then why am I even giving them this task to do?” Why? Because the direction and support you give them this week, will be the foundation for what they do next week. Next week you’ll feed them with a little more direction and support, and it will build on what they received last week. This week they will have new questions. Smarter and wiser questions.

Each week you’ll feed your assistant a little more direction and support. Then, exponentially, week by week they will become more and more valuable. Next month you will be able to say three sentences to them, and that task will get done, and it will get done the way you want. Why? Because of how well you invested in them last month.

Help them help you!


Interested in learning more about hiring your own Virtual Executive Assistant? Click here to schedule a free consultation with us. 





Delegating: Take the Risk and Be Surprised

Athena CEO Gina Cotner was recently interviewed by Davina Frederick of Wealthy Woman Lawyer. The conversation moved into a discussion around delegating thinking:

I thought to myself, “Well, let’s just go there and see if I can start to speak somewhat intelligently about this.” Again, this is where I think the real freedom lies.

Yes – graduate level delegation is delegating thinking. Consider saying to your assistant (or someone who reports to you) something like:

  • “Go think about this please.”
  • “Go research this and tell me what you think and what questions you have.”
  • “What questions should I have?” 

The other graduate level delegation skill is to delegate an entire process or project, knowing that your assistant or whomever is working for you, doesn’t know much about the topic. And perhaps neither do you! Rather than you doing the initial research to figure something out and then delegating smaller pieces and parts of the next steps, you give the entire project to someone. After explaining what you think you want and what you are after,  you can then say, “This project is yours. I know you’ve never done this before, and neither have I. No problem. You please dive in. Lead the charge. Do some initial research. Let me know what you learn, what you think, what you see next steps might be and then let’s talk.” 

After this, the project is theirs. It belongs to them. Now you work for them. Now you work for your assistant. Your job is now to be a useful, valuable, responsive team player. 

Once they have done this initial research or an even deeper dive, you can start providing answers or asking more detailed and educated questions to partner in getting what you want done, DONE. This kind of partnership with your EA is an invaluable tool that will pay off huge once you get into a rythym! 

When you delegate more than you think someone can handle, or more than you think they are equipped to do, you will find out what they really are capable of! They may not be able to do 100% of what you have asked, but you may find that they can accomplish 90% and previously you would have bet they could only do 70%, but you got surprised while discovering that they are more capable than you thought. 

So… go experiment…and get surprised!