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Which overdraft fee are you paying on your life?

Money can be made. Time cannot. If you blow $5,000 in Vegas you can earn it back. If you had a day recently where you were overwhelmed and took on too much, and it left you tired and cranky and not great with your kids or your staff, and it gave you a migraine, you don’t get that day back. There is no “do-over” on that day. It’s gone.

You all have different amounts of money in your checking account right now. There is an exact amount of money in your checking account at this moment An exact amount, after which, if you keep spending, you will be overdrawn.

Unlike money, we are all given the same amount of time in a day. It’s 24 hours for us all. Yet, sometimes we relate to time like we have more than we really do, leaving us trying to fit a 36 hour day into a 24 hour day. Why do we do that?!?!

While we all woke up today with different amounts of money in our checking accounts, we all woke up with the exact same amount of time. It’s not like I get a 32 hours in a day and that lady gets 20 hours in a day, and that guy gets 35. You, like everybody else, get 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. That’s 168 hours a week. That is how much is in your Time Account.

We’re pretty conscientious about spending money.  But we’re weird when it comes to spending this asset we have called “time”. Budgeting money and budgeting time are the same, but people don’t deal with it in the same way. People will give away or throw their time away in a way that they would not do with their money. Then they wonder why they are so overwhelmed, and never get to Yoga, and don’t have date-night with their partner, and never have a vacation.

Do you think there are no overdraft fees when you overspend on your time account (a.k.a. try to get a 36 hour day to fit into a 24 hour day)? Of course there are overdraft fees! And they are expensive! Those overdraft fees are: stress, the impact of stress on your body, high blood pressure, achiness, being short or rude with people when you don’t want to be, frustration in those around you, or feeling out of control.

Isn’t it time you stop overspending your time account?

(Need support with that? Call us.)

Remote Workers Outperform Office Workers

We sure do agree with these 3 reasons that remote workers outperform office workers. In addition, we can’t remember the last time we were sick. We’re not sharing germs with the office or the people on the bus or train. We can get some personal things done, so that we are more present with the work we do. We love the autonomy to get things done!

NEW YEARS SPECIAL- Available this month only – Set Yourself Free in 2019

Was 2018 a crazy year for you? Were you overwhelmed at times? Some days were you running around like a one-legged bear in a butt-kicking contest? And even more importantly – Is this what it looks like you’ll be doing in 2019?

Did you make lists knowing you wouldn’t ever be able to get to them? 

Did you have 100 things on your mind that you kept worrying about? And no time to do them? And yet they are all important? And they are still on your list right now?

Did you spend time on things that needed to get done, but sacrificed things that are most important to you? Do you feel like you’re still doing that right now?

What if you could create some breathing room for yourself in 2019? What if you could have some more balance in your life in 2019?

Particularly for busy executives and entrepreneurs, we have a gift for you, to help you have 2019 be your best year yet!

For the month of January, we are offering a free 30-minute brainstorming call with our CEO, an expert at delegation and balance! On this call you will discover:

  • What you could delegate
  • What you could give away or stop doing
  • What possible services or software could take things off your plate

You can use this call to not only get more clarity about what to delegate, but also how to be more effective in your delegation, so that you get the results you want! Take advantage of this free offer here:  

Through the month of January there will be a special button on our Online Scheduling Page. Select FREEDOM 2019 to schedule a 30 minute call with our delegation expert! 

Here’s to setting yourself free in 2019! 

How we do one thing is how we do everything

A wise woman and powerful coach told me this once: “How we do one thing is how we do everything.” Ever since then, I have discovered a lot of evidence for that. I see evidence for it everywhere. The degree to which my car is clean is very similar to how clean my kitchen is and my house and my desk. I’m about a 90%-clean kinda person, and as I look around, it’s all about 90% clean. I’m fairly frugal. I notice that I have the wardrobe, make-up collection, shoes, office accessories and furniture of a fairly frugal person. So how is this useful in business?

This has been extremely valuable in vetting and screening people to join our team. You might find this useful in vetting people for your teams. How they apply, what they write in their initial inquiry, if/how they follow up is all pretty consistent with how they sound on the phone, how they respond to a text and how they show up on video. The level of polish, professionalism, business-mindedness, casualness – you can see the level of all of this if you look closely. There is certainly no right way to be as an applicant, but you know what you want on your team, or what your organization or clients need. Right from the get-go and all through the interviewing process, ever thing they say and do is a clue to what they will say and do in the future. (And yes, we know everyone tries to sound perfect in the beginning as an applicant, but if you have a long enough vetting process, their true colors will be revealed.)

There are a lot of similarities with clients as well. How they handle their invoices, communication with our CEO, communication with their EA, etc. all has a similarity to it. It might be short and curt. It might be long-winded and apologetic. There is nothing particularly right or wrong about any of it. I have simply found it useful to notice that in many cases, how someone does one thing is how they do much of life.

I look at this with our prospects also. We might have one that says, “I want to start Immediately!” and then takes weeks to get the contract signed. Not a big issue, but this could be how it will be to work with them in the long haul. Or this might be a one-off situation for them.

This notion that how people do one thing is how they do everything, also helps me from taking things too personally. That person who was long-winded with you and kept you on the phone five times longer than needed – they just do that in life with most people. It’s not about you. That person who cried and was upset – they just do that in life with most people. That person who apologizes all the time. That is how they roll. Nothing wrong with that or with them. This is how they react to many things in life. Their reaction is not about you or me. That can be a relief to remember!

Hate your inbox? Outsource it. Here’s why and how.

Hate your inbox? You’ll love this article!

Here’s an excerpt we love:

Managing your own email inbox is a bit like consuming empty calories; you are busy but not efficient. In fact, a 2016 survey by Adobe found that working people in the United States spend over four hours a day dealing with their emails; that’s 20 hours a week that could be spent on value-generating activities instead.

In our company we offer what we call Inbox Triage. We stop the bleeding!

This article gives you many other good ideas.